Orientation Week

So as some people might have guessed, I’m actually in Japan and it has been a busy week! I’m editing and writing at the same time and I will post my first VLOG online in a link that you can watch!

First things first!

Japan is A-MA-ZING, and I’ve only seen so little yet. Here at Kansai Gaidai I only got a taste of what’s to come. I’ve met amazing people already and seen the beautiful surroundings of Osaka (only the part around the campus tho).


This here above is Kansai Gaidai University and I will be walking around here for the coming 4 months before I will move to Tokyo. I don’t have much yet to say as classes haven’t started yet, but I did get a test to see how far I am with my Japanese. Hoping on a level 2 but without preparation, who knows?

During orientation week (wich ends on monday, so 2 more days to go! Yes Saturday also counts as a school day here in Japan) I got debrieved on a couple of stuff.

  • Safety (bicycle, cars and earthquakes and such)
  • Regulations (in school and in the seminar house)

Those were the most important things, specially the earthquakes and bicycle part because I got myself a bike! It’s pink and it’s perfect to get to school as it takes about a 20 min walk or 8 min by bike. Plus it was pretty cheap! The earthquake subject was kind of scary at first because earthquakes do happen in Japan small and big and during the presentation I was waiting for one to happen because it would be just the right moment. My image of Japan as a safe country dissapeared pretty much right after the presentation as, like any country, things happen. You do get pickpocketed and your bicycle could be either stolen or taken to the inpound. The teacher who held the presentation also explained that two students died because one these subjects. One student died while driving his bicycle drunk, and one died while crossing the bars that indicated that a train was coming. Not really fun hearing that after you bought a bicycle right? But Japan takes its rules very serious and in case of drunk driving on a bike you will get the same penalty while drunk driving a car. It’s not something you will forget anymore.

I also met up with my friend who is an older year, or senpai as they say in Japan and she showed me around the place wich was very convinient! Also, I bought some stuff at the 100 yen store and at the supermarket. And no suprise, 100 yen stores are my favourite thing in the world!

Living and eating

Eating and sleeping are the best things in the world. I’m living in a seminar house, seminar house 2 and it’s really clean and very comfy and everyone can come together and talk, watch a movie, eat or learn Japanese. And being able to buy food or go out is really easy in Japan and it’s so much fun trying out things without even knowing wat it is! I try not to be scared while choosing things but I cheat my way through it by looking at the pictures or trying to read the words. I do miss my Dutch milk tho,  but the strawberry milk makes up for it!

Paying for things

Yeah, paying for things in Japan is different then i’m used to in Holland because back at home I would grab my debitcard but in Japan you pay with cash and boy oh boy, when your wallet is broken after 2 days you kinda cry a little bit. So many coins and so many bills. I feel really rich with it but it’s also easy spend-able. Luckely I have a small wallet where I put my bills and a pouch where I put my coins! But don’t tell the pickpocketers 😉

Video’s and pictures say more than words so take a look at my vlog and the pictures below and if you want to know anything please ask! Soon there will be more interesting stuff as school wil start and I will be going to places!

See my first vlog by clicking the button > ⊗♥⊗

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